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More >West is reportedly receiving treatment in Los Angeles.More >Man says he was attacked during protest because he supports TrumpMan says he was attacked during protest because he supports TrumpUpdated: Monday, November 21 2016 7:46 PM EST2016-11-22 00:46:03 GMTTwo days after the election, a Gresham man was surrounded by rioters who vandalized his car and smashed his windows, and he says it was because he said he would support President-elect Trump. Most Popular StoriesMost Popular StoriesMore>> Driver charged in Tennessee school bus crash that killed 5Driver charged in Tennessee school bus crash that killed 5Updated: Tuesday, November 22 2016 4:55 AM EST2016-11-22 09:55:03 GMTThere were 35 elementary students aboard the bus when it crashed.The children on boardranged from kindergarten to fifth grade.More >There were 35 elementary students aboard the bus when it crashed.The children on boardranged from kindergarten to fifth grade.More >Police searching for suspect after shooting in Oregon CityPolice searching for suspect after shooting in Oregon CityUpdated: Tuesday, November 22 2016 1:59 AM EST2016-11-22 06:59:58 GMT(KPTV)Police are investigating a shooting that happened near Beaver Creek Road and Highway 213 in Oregon City Monday night.More >Police are investigating a shooting that happened near Beaver Creek Road and Highway 213 in Oregon City Monday night.More >Reports: Kanye West hospitalizedReports: Kanye West hospitalizedUpdated: Monday, November 21 2016 10:27 PM EST2016-11-22 03:27:21 GMTKanye West, seen with his wife, Kim Kardashian. Your Verification Email Has Been Sent Check your email for a link to reset your password. Matisyahu sang along, while Alama seemed oblivious to his signing partners identity. For more information on this site, please read our Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service, and Ad Choices. 2016 reddit inc. Enter your email address to get a new one. Your existing password has not been changed.

All Rights Reserved. Create a new password We've sent an email with instructions to create a new password. All rights reserved. Loading articles. OK . HOMENEWSU.S. {* #registrationForm *} {* traditionalRegistrationfirstName *} {* traditionalRegistrationlastName *} {* traditionalRegistrationemailAddress *} {* traditionalRegistrationdisplayName *} {* traditionalRegistrationpassword *} {* traditionalRegistrationpasswordConfirm *} By clicking "Create Account", I confirm that I have read and understood each of the website terms of service and privacy policy and that I agree to be bound by them. It's a problem administrators say seems to be getting worse especially when it comes to a new drug called suboxone.More >Drugs, weapons and mounds of contraband are found in the Clark County Jail every day. Enter your email below and we'll send you another email.

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