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Forums Subscribe Jobs Law & Disorder / Civilization & Discontents Taking down “the largest child pornography conspiracy ever prosecuted” How the Internet police mounted an international effort against "The Cache." by Nate Anderson - Aug 19, 2013 1:00 am UTC Share Tweet Email Google Reddit 245 On the morning of September 10, 2008, US Postal Inspector Lori Heath had assembled a Baltimore team to raid the ramshackle Independence Street home of a suspected Internet child pornography kingpin. 2099 (SB 2099)gun-tax billlist guns on 1040 tax formpay $50 taxSalisbury, MD, Fire Deparmentphotos of mercury poisoningSalvation ArmyLGBTQ parents should be put to deathhomosexuals "deserve to die"Sam Brownback e-mailsSame-sex marriagepastor sentenced to prisonsee Kim Davis SandmanSandy Hook conspirscysee False flag operationsSanitary pads53 women died (2011)56 women died (2013)"Dairies" brand in Nigeria"Daries" brand in Johannesburggel in napkins causes cancersee TamponsTata Cancer Hospitalturns blood 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It also explicitly banned child pornography; indeed, this was rule number one. It can currently be purchased as a hardback (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or local bookstores) or as an e-book (Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, or Google Play). (The site masqueraded as a legitimate child modeling site; a secret, password-protected section contained the illicit content.) The photographer was soon arrested by Italian police, and the real breakthrough came when investigators found his archive of 50,000 e-mails from potential customers scattered across 28 countries. Unsubscribe at any time.
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